



- Who is Bob?

- Commands


Standard (2P) Mode

- Introduction

- Terminology

- Strike Types


- Battle Setup

- Gameplay Commands

- Player Profiles

- Records and Stats

- Single Player Controls

Single (1P) Mode

- Introduction

- Stats

- Artifacts

- Classes

- Master NPC List

Double (4P) Mode

- Introduction

- Team Functions

BattleBob > Single (1P) Mode > Classes


Classes are selections as part of the Player Profile that allow players to alter the way their stats are distributed.

Players start out by default set to the Novice Class. The Novice Class has no stats at all. Players must unlock other classes to use them.

Classes distribute their stats differently to emphasise different play styles. Choosing a class carefully can give the player a huge advantage over certain NPCs, making it an essential part of the strategizing process for tougher opponents.

Most Classes are capable of leveling up through repeated use; at the end of each battle, players may earn JP (Job Class Experience Points) that will count toward the experience in the currently selected Class. When a Class levels up, it will transform into a more powerful Class that will take the place of the original Class.

Below are a list of all Classes in BattleBob. The stat distributions shown on the Classes would be the player's Stats assuming they were D Rank; The Classes shown receive the distrubuted stats every time the player levels. This would mean that if a Class has the Vitality listed as "VIT: 10" at D Rank, at C Rank the class would grant "VIT: 20" and at B Rank "VIT: 30" etc.

For information on how to view or set Classes, read the article on Single Player Controls.

Beginner Classes
Basic Classes
Advanced Classes

Beginner Classes


Class Type: Beginner Unlock: Play BattleBob
Stat Breakdown

VIT: 0

APP: 0

STR: 0

DEF: 0

TEC: 0

CON: 0

CHA: 0

REF: 0

MAG: 0

WIS: 0

SPI: 0

RES: 0

MIN: 0

FOR: 0

ACC: 0

EVA: 0

RST: 0

LUK: 0

The Novice Class has no stats. It's an entry level class that serves no purpose other than to give the player a default class to use until they unlock others.

Basic Classes


Class Type: Basic Unlock: Level Up to D Rank
Stat Breakdown

VIT: 10

APP: 5

STR: 5

DEF: 5

TEC: 5

CON: 5

CHA: 5

REF: 5

MAG: 5

WIS: 5

SPI: 5

RES: 5

MIN: 0

FOR: 0

ACC: 5

EVA: 5

RST: 0

LUK: 0

The Apprentice Class replaces the Novice Class once the player reaches D Rank. The Apprentice Class is a balanced Class that distributes its stats evenly, allowing the player to play on a very level playing field.


Class Type: Basic Unlock: Level Up to D Rank
Stat Breakdown

VIT: 5

APP: 5

STR: 7

DEF: 4

TEC: 7

CON: 4

CHA: 7

REF: 4

MAG: 7

WIS: 4

SPI: 7

RES: 4

MIN: 0

FOR: 0

ACC: 6

EVA: 4

RST: 0

LUK: 0

The Warrior Class is an Offense oriented Class that evenly sacrifices its defensive stats to buffer all of the player's offensive stats.


Class Type: Basic Unlock: Level Up to D Rank
Stat Breakdown

VIT: 10

APP: 5

STR: 4

DEF: 6

TEC: 4

CON: 6

CHA: 4

REF: 6

MAG: 4

WIS: 6

SPI: 4

RES: 6

MIN: 0

FOR: 1

ACC: 4

EVA: 5

RST: 0

LUK: 0

The Squire Class is a Defense oriented Class that evenly sacrifices its offensive stats to buffer all of the player's defensive stats.


Class Type: Basic Unlock: Level Up to D Rank
Stat Breakdown

VIT: 15

APP: 5

STR: 4

DEF: 6

TEC: 3

CON: 6

CHA: 4

REF: 6

MAG: 3

WIS: 6

SPI: 4

RES: 6

MIN: 0

FOR: 2

ACC: 5

EVA: 0

RST: 0

LUK: 0

The Watcher Class is a Tanking Class focused heavily around HP and Defense. The Watcher's high Fortitude stat means that `defend works even better, and the Class' elevated HP helps garner an early advantage.


Class Type: Basic Unlock: Level Up to D Rank
Stat Breakdown

VIT: 10

APP: 6

STR: 7

DEF: 4

TEC: 5

CON: 4

CHA: 4

REF: 4

MAG: 4

WIS: 4

SPI: 5

RES: 4

MIN: 1

FOR: 0

ACC: 7

EVA: 5

RST: 0

LUK: 1

The Fighter Class is a Offense oriented Class that favors the use of `attack and `focus. The `skill and `special commands don't fall far behind, but most of the player's defenses as well as the `assist and `summon commands lose their effectiveness. The Fighter Class has somewhat elevated Appetite to increase the effectiveness of `sandwich and has buffs to both Accuracy and Luck, making it a potentially dangerous Class.


Class Type: Basic Unlock: Level Up to D Rank
Stat Breakdown

VIT: 10

APP: 5

STR: 5

DEF: 5

TEC: 8

CON: 5

CHA: 4

REF: 5

MAG: 4

WIS: 5

SPI: 8

RES: 5

MIN: 0

FOR: 0

ACC: 3

EVA: 3

RST: 0

LUK: 0

The Runist Class is an Offense oriented Class that favors the use of `skill and `special. The defensive stats are well balanced, but the `assist and `summon damages suffer a bit. The biggest hit to the Runist Class is in both Accuracy and Evasion, but to make up for it both `skill and `special are truly deadly in this Class.


Class Type: Basic Unlock: Level Up to D Rank
Stat Breakdown

VIT: 10

APP: 5

STR: 4

DEF: 5

TEC: 3

CON: 5

CHA: 6

REF: 5

MAG: 7

WIS: 8

SPI: 3

RES: 5

MIN: 0

FOR: 0

ACC: 4

EVA: 5

RST: 0

LUK: 0

The Leader Class is an Offense oriented Class that favors the use of `assist and `summon. The defensive stats are well balanced, but the `skill and `special damages suffer. In return though, both `assist and `summon are noticably buffed, and the Wisdom stat is significantly buffed to help offset damage that may be caused by a summon backfiring.


Class Type: Basic Unlock: Level Up to D Rank
Stat Breakdown

VIT: 10

APP: 6

STR: 5

DEF: 4

TEC: 4

CON: 5

CHA: 5

REF: 4

MAG: 4

WIS: 5

SPI: 4

RES: 5

MIN: 0

FOR: 0

ACC: 7

EVA: 7

RST: 0

LUK: 0

The Thief Class is a Balanced Class that sports elevated Accuracy and Evasion. Rather than rely on making sure its hits do a great deal of damage or relying on trying to resist damage from specific commands, The Thief Class behaves differently in that it emphasises dealing consistent hits and trying to avoid damage via dodges.

Advanced Classes


Class Type: Advanced Unlock: Level Up Apprentice Class
Stat Breakdown

VIT: 10

APP: 5

STR: 6

DEF: 6

TEC: 6

CON: 6

CHA: 6

REF: 6

MAG: 6

WIS: 6

SPI: 6

RES: 6

MIN: 0

FOR: 0

ACC: 5

EVA: 5

RST: 0

LUK: 0

The Adept Class replaces the Apprentice Class once the player levels it up. The Adept Class maintains the balanced feel of the Apprentice Class, while buffing the player's offense and defense evenly across all commands.


Class Type: Advanced Unlock: Level Up Warrior Class
Stat Breakdown

VIT: 5

APP: 5

STR: 8

DEF: 5

TEC: 8

CON: 5

CHA: 7

REF: 5

MAG: 7

WIS: 5

SPI: 8

RES: 5

MIN: 1

FOR: 0

ACC: 6

EVA: 5

RST: 0

LUK: 0

The Ravager Class replaces the Warrior Class once the player levels it up. The Ravager Class keeps with the Offense oriented style set by the Warrior Class, but has stronger defenses, and rather than buffing all offensive stats evenly, favors `attack, `skill, and `special slightly.


Class Type: Advanced Unlock: Level Up Squire Class
Stat Breakdown

VIT: 10

APP: 5

STR: 5

DEF: 7

TEC: 5

CON: 7

CHA: 5

REF: 7

MAG: 5

WIS: 7

SPI: 5

RES: 7

MIN: 0

FOR: 1

ACC: 4

EVA: 5

RST: 0

LUK: 0

The Knight Class replaces the Squire Class once the player levels it up. The Knight Class keeps with the Defense oriented style set by the Squire Class, but has stronger offensive power, and even higher defense.


Class Type: Advanced Unlock: Level Up Watcher Class
Stat Breakdown

VIT: 15

APP: 6

STR: 4

DEF: 7

TEC: 4

CON: 7

CHA: 4

REF: 7

MAG: 4

WIS: 7

SPI: 4

RES: 7

MIN: 0

FOR: 2

ACC: 5

EVA: 2

RST: 0

LUK: 0

The Warden Class replaces the Watcher Class once the player levels it up. The Warden Class is another powerful Tanking Class, but serves to even out the inconsistencies in the Watcher Class' stat distribution by leveling out the offensive stats and raising the Evasion stat slightly.


Class Type: Advanced Unlock: Level Up Fighter Class
Stat Breakdown

VIT: 10

APP: 6

STR: 8

DEF: 6

TEC: 6

CON: 5

CHA: 4

REF: 4

MAG: 4

WIS: 4

SPI: 7

RES: 5

MIN: 1

FOR: 0

ACC: 8

EVA: 6

RST: 0

LUK: 1

The Blackbelt Class replaces the Fighter Class once the player levels it up. The Blackbelt Class is a formitable offensive class strongly favoring `attack and `focus. Unlike the Fighter, the Blackbelt Class sees a noticable buff to `skill and `special, but both `assist and `summon continue to suffer in both the offense and defense stats.


Class Type: Advanced Unlock: Level Up Runist Class
Stat Breakdown

VIT: 10

APP: 6

STR: 5

DEF: 5

TEC: 9

CON: 5

CHA: 4

REF: 5

MAG: 5

WIS: 6

SPI: 9

RES: 5

MIN: 0

FOR: 0

ACC: 5

EVA: 5

RST: 1

LUK: 0

The Spellbinder Class replaces the Runist Class once the player levels it up. The Spellbinder Class is an Offensive Class strongly favoring `skill and `special. The Spellbinder Class doesn't buffer `skill or `special by much more than the Runist did, but instead helps fill the caps in both the offensive and defensive options from the Runist Class.


Class Type: Advanced Unlock: Level Up Leader Class
Stat Breakdown

VIT: 10

APP: 5

STR: 4

DEF: 6

TEC: 3

CON: 6

CHA: 8

REF: 5

MAG: 9

WIS: 9

SPI: 5

RES: 5

MIN: 0

FOR: 0

ACC: 5

EVA: 5

RST: 0

LUK: 0

The Captain Class replaces the Leader Class once the player levels it up. The Captain Class is an Offensive Class strongly favoring `assist and `summon. The Captain Class sees some more power put behind both `assist and `summon, as well as a slight buffer to `special and all defensive stats, but `skill is still a noticably weak option.


Class Type: Advanced Unlock: Level Up Thief Class
Stat Breakdown

VIT: 10

APP: 6

STR: 6

DEF: 6

TEC: 4

CON: 5

CHA: 5

REF: 5

MAG: 4

WIS: 5

SPI: 4

RES: 5

MIN: 1

FOR: 0

ACC: 9

EVA: 10

RST: 1

LUK: 0

The Ninja Class replaces the Thief Class once the player levels it up. The Ninja Class is a Balanced Class that slightly favors `attack. The Ninja Class continues the trend set by the Thief Class and receives considerable buffs to Accuracy and Evasion, but also helps even out the gaps in the Class' offensive and defensive options.