Post by Nightmare on Jun 24, 2006 13:49:29 GMT -5
Here's the fight for those who missed it. And I'm puttign it here so it no get deleted with the carnival.
NightmareMMZero is known as Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer
XeroBloodline is known as Evil_Emperors_Cell_Phone
Evil_Emperors_Cell_Phone rings
Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer answers
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] Hello?
[Evil_Emperors_Cell_Phone] *cough* Its me...*sneez*...the...*sneez* Underdog...Hero....*cough*
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] Yes?
[Evil_Emperors_Cell_Phone] AAAACHOOO!!!
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] we are going to fight for the fate of the universe, right?
[Evil_Emperors_Cell_Phone] *sniff* Sorry...not..*cough* the flu....*achoo*
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] ,,,
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] DAMNIT!!
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] Do you have an understudy!?
[Evil_Emperors_Cell_Phone] Don't...worry....*cough*...I've called...a...*achoo* replacement....
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] Okay...
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] Well, tell him to get his ass down here!
[Evil_Emperors_Cell_Phone] Should be there...*cough*....any.....*achoo!* minute....*sniff*
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] Alright...
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] Be sure to drink plenty of fluids...
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] And choke on them!!!!
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] >_>;
[Evil_Emperors_Cell_Phone] .......
Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer ie evil
[Evil_Emperors_Cell_Phone] *click*
Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer hangs up
[Evil_Emperors_Cell_Phone] *beeeeeeeeep*
Evil_Emperors_Cell_Phone is known as ?
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] Where's that damn replacement..
? A motorcycle comes the horizon, and skids to a stop infront of Evil Emperor, spraying dirt all over him
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] ahh!!
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] What the hell man!?
? is known as Mercenary_Rebel_Emo_Hero
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] ...
Mercenary_Rebel_Emo_Hero gets off his motorcyle
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] You the replacement?
Mercenary_Rebel_Emo_Hero looks at the Evil Emperor...
[Mercenary_Rebel_Emo_Hero] ....yo.
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] ...
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] Greeting.
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] I'm here to kill you..
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] Muahaha
Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer is evil
[Mercenary_Rebel_Emo_Hero] So? I don't care....
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] pfft
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] emo
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] <.<
Mercenary_Rebel_Emo_Hero stares off into the sunset
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] well, let's get this started...
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] I draw my sword
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] insult you
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] you dance
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] get your sword
[Mercenary_Rebel_Emo_Hero] Whoa....
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] then I kick ass
[Mercenary_Rebel_Emo_Hero] Hold up...
[Mercenary_Rebel_Emo_Hero] ....I don't dance.
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] yes?
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] well, you're gonna have to
[Mercenary_Rebel_Emo_Hero] Fine, if you wanna fight....
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] ...
Mercenary_Rebel_Emo_Hero draws his big-ass Breaker Blade
Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer draws his badass sword of death
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] you die now!
Mercenary_Rebel_Emo_Hero staps Evil Emperor
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] ....
[Mercenary_Rebel_Emo_Hero] *insert fanfare music here*
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] no
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] that's not how it works
Mercenary_Rebel_Emo_Hero gets 148 exp
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] we be all dramatic for like an hour
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] before actually fighting
[Mercenary_Rebel_Emo_Hero] .....why?
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] Because
[Mercenary_Rebel_Emo_Hero] That's so....dramatic...
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] that's how it goes
[Mercenary_Rebel_Emo_Hero] I don't get paid for "dramtic"
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] yes you do?
[Mercenary_Rebel_Emo_Hero] Fine, I charge by the hour though....
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] I'm not paying you
Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer is evil
[Mercenary_Rebel_Emo_Hero] ......
Mercenary_Rebel_Emo_Hero draws his Breaker Blade
Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer draws his badass sword of death
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] You shall perish!
Mercenary_Rebel_Emo_Hero doesn't care
Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer charges Emo Hero
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] AAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Mercenary_Rebel_Emo_Hero stands there waiting
Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer runs up the Emo Hero
Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer stabs at him
Mercenary_Rebel_Emo_Hero takes 100 points of damage
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] >.>?
[Mercenary_Rebel_Emo_Hero] ....isn't that how you do it?
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] No
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] this isn't an RPG
Virecksu has left the chat.
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] it's a real fight
[Mercenary_Rebel_Emo_Hero] I don't care how you do it, I do things my own way.
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] in real fights, we don't wait our turn to get our ass kicked
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] we fight
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] you know
Mercenary_Rebel_Emo_Hero swings at Evil Emporer, causing 120 pts of damage
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] real combat?
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] hey!
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] cut that out!
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] I'm talking here!
[Mercenary_Rebel_Emo_Hero] I don't care....
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] pfft
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] n00b
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] >.>
[Mercenary_Rebel_Emo_Hero] .....*sniff*
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] that's it emo
Mercenary_Rebel_Emo_Hero walks off to pout in a corner
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] go home cryin!
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] Muahahahaah!!!
Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer is evil
Mercenary_Rebel_Emo_Hero walks back
[Mercenary_Rebel_Emo_Hero] Ok, I'm over it.
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] good
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] let us do battle now!
Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer draws his badass sword of death
[Mercenary_Rebel_Emo_Hero] *screen does some fancy spiral effect*
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] >.>?
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] buh?
Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer looks around
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] was I drugged or somehting?
Virecksu has left the chat.
Mercenary_Rebel_Emo_Hero stands on one side bobbing up and down
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] >.>;
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] you wanna do this the emo way?
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] fine
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] we'll try it the emo way
Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer goes to the other side of the screen
Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer takes a fighting stance
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] My turn
Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer runs over and kicke emo hero in the groin
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] see how that worked out for ya?
Virecksu has left the chat.
Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer walks back ho his side
Mercenary_Rebel_Emo_Hero falls over in pain
[Mercenary_Rebel_Emo_Hero] .....ow....
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] that's what I thought
frozy has left the chat.
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] I go again
[Mercenary_Rebel_Emo_Hero] That's not how that works....
Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer sets Emo hero on fire
Mercenary_Rebel_Emo_Hero lies there on fire
[Mercenary_Rebel_Emo_Hero] ....I don't care that I'm on fire.
Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer is evil and don't care how it goes
Mercenary_Rebel_Emo_Hero doesn't care
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] I go again
frozt has left the chat.
Mercenary_Rebel_Emo_Hero gets up, and swings at Evil Emperor with his Breaker Blade
Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer walks over and kicks Emo Hero while he's down
Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer is hit
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] ow
Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer walks back to his side
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] you wanna sit there in pain getting owneD?
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] Intermission
[Mercenary_Rebel_Emo_Hero] gah....
Mercenary_Rebel_Emo_Hero gets back up
[Mercenary_Rebel_Emo_Hero] I've never heard of that power....
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] You wanna do this your way, or you wanna do it right?
[Mercenary_Rebel_Emo_Hero] Do you have a scroll for that? So I can learn it?
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] no
[Mercenary_Rebel_Emo_Hero] Well you suck.
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] I know you do but what do I do?
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] Ha!
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] Burn!
Mercenary_Rebel_Emo_Hero swings at Evil Emperor again
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] I turned it around!!
Mercenary_Rebel_Emo_Hero doesn't care that he was burned
Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer ducks
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] ha!
Mercenary_Rebel_Emo_Hero goes back to his side
Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer kicks Emo hero in the groin again
[Mercenary_Rebel_Emo_Hero] That sucks....everything sucks.....
Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer runs back
Mercenary_Rebel_Emo_Hero falls over again
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] I can do this all day
[Mercenary_Rebel_Emo_Hero] This isn't cool....
Mercenary_Rebel_Emo_Hero gets back up
[Mercenary_Rebel_Emo_Hero] Alright....
[Mercenary_Rebel_Emo_Hero] I'll try this one....
Mercenary_Rebel_Emo_Hero holds up a red Materia
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] ...
Mercenary_Rebel_Emo_Hero summons the X-men
Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer holds up black materia
Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer melts the X-Men
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] Ha.
Mercenary_Rebel_Emo_Hero looks back at the X-men
[Mercenary_Rebel_Emo_Hero] ....that's so depressing....
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] yeah
Mercenary_Rebel_Emo_Hero doesn't care
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] So you wanna do this right now?
[Mercenary_Rebel_Emo_Hero] ....sure.
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] okay
Mercenary_Rebel_Emo_Hero throws the Materia and hits Evil Emperor in the head
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] hey!
[Mercenary_Rebel_Emo_Hero] Like that, right?
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] Don't throw things!!
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] It's rude!
Mercenary_Rebel_Emo_Hero doesn't care
Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer draws his badass sword of death
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] Have at you!
Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer charges Emo Hero
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Mercenary_Rebel_Emo_Hero stands there holding his Breaker Blade
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] AAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer runs over
Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer stabs Emo Hero
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] Ah ha!
Mercenary_Rebel_Emo_Hero evades
Mercenary_Rebel_Emo_Hero staps Evil Emperor
[Mercenary_Rebel_Emo_Hero] Like that, right?
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] ow
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] Better
[Mercenary_Rebel_Emo_Hero] Cool...
Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer godmods
Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer makes the stab wound be on Emo Hero
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] haha!
[Mercenary_Rebel_Emo_Hero] ....ow....
Mercenary_Rebel_Emo_Hero kicks Evil Emperor in the groin
Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer ies evil
Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer falls over
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] owie
Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer gets up
[Mercenary_Rebel_Emo_Hero] Did that hurt?
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] yes..
Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer grabs Emo Hero
Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer throws him into traffic
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] Haha!
Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer is evil
Mercenary_Rebel_Emo_Hero gets hit by a car
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] >=D
[Mercenary_Rebel_Emo_Hero] .....ow....
Mercenary_Rebel_Emo_Hero throws a car at Evil Emperor
Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer ducks
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] Haha!
Mercenary_Rebel_Emo_Hero throws another car
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] You die now!
Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer ducks
Mercenary_Rebel_Emo_Hero throws a duck
Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer breathes weasels on Emo hero
Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer is hit by a duck
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] wtf?
Mercenary_Rebel_Emo_Hero cuts the weasels with the Breaker Blade
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] ...
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] no
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] that's not how it goes
Mercenary_Rebel_Emo_Hero doesn't care
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] you get hit by the weasles
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] and it annoys you
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] then you talk about saving the children
Mercenary_Rebel_Emo_Hero can't be annoyed, doesn't care
Mercenary_Rebel_Emo_Hero doesn't care about the children
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] >_>
Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer kidnaps someone
[Mercenary_Rebel_Emo_Hero] What did the children ever do for me?
Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer grabs RockRichard
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] Haha!
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] I shall kill this child!
Mercenary_Rebel_Emo_Hero doesn't care
[RockRichard] Cool! I mean HELP
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] >_>
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] You're supposed to care
[Mercenary_Rebel_Emo_Hero] Nobody rescued me when I was kidnapped as a child....
[Mercenary_Rebel_Emo_Hero] I had to fight for myself....
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] <_<
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] omfg
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] emo
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] >.>
[Mercenary_Rebel_Emo_Hero] Like a rebel....
[RockRichard] Help, somebody!
Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer punches RR
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] stfu
[RockRichard] Ow
[Mercenary_Rebel_Emo_Hero] Now I only fight if I'm paid enough.
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] Rebels are for squares
[RockRichard] That hurt! Help!
Mercenary_Rebel_Emo_Hero doesn't care
Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer tosses RR into a cage
[RockRichard] Stupid idiots
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] ....
[Mercenary_Rebel_Emo_Hero] ....
Mercenary_Rebel_Emo_Hero 's feelings are hurt
[RockRichard] Emo Hero, why didn't you help...?
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] >_>;
Mercenary_Rebel_Emo_Hero doesn't care
[Mercenary_Rebel_Emo_Hero] You didn't pay me.
[RockRichard] STFU
Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer puts a sock in RR's mouth
[Mercenary_Rebel_Emo_Hero] I'm a mercenary.
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] a dirty one*
RockRichard eats the sock
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] I liked Underdog hero better
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] he knew how to fight for justice
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] >_>
[RockRichard] Eww...
[Mercenary_Rebel_Emo_Hero] What did justice ever do for me?
[Mercenary_Rebel_Emo_Hero] I have my own sense of justice.
Mercenary_Rebel_Emo_Hero doesn't care about justice
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] Well, rethink it
[RockRichard] You're some hero
[Mercenary_Rebel_Emo_Hero] .....
Mercenary_Rebel_Emo_Hero 's feelings are hurt again
Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer hits RR with a shoe
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] stfu
[Mercenary_Rebel_Emo_Hero] Maybe he's right though....
[RockRichard] Aren't heroes supposed to help people?
[Mercenary_Rebel_Emo_Hero] .....I'm no hero....
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] Join me?
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] we can be evil togeather
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] >=D
Mercenary_Rebel_Emo_Hero looks at Evil Emperor's outfit
[Mercenary_Rebel_Emo_Hero] No thanx, I don't swing that way....
Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer is dressed evilly
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] Hey!
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] >_>;
Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer looks at Emo Hero's outfit
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] atl east I wearm y purple thng under my pants
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] >_>
[RockRichard] Can someone at least pretend to help me, Emo Hero?
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] thong**
Mercenary_Rebel_Emo_Hero sighs
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] >_>;
[Mercenary_Rebel_Emo_Hero] Fine....if you'll quit hurting my feelings
[RockRichard] Me?
[Mercenary_Rebel_Emo_Hero] And pay me 10,000g.
Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer draws his badass sword of death
[RockRichard] STFU
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Em] Die!
Mercenary_Rebel_Emo_Hero doesn't care
Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer charges Emo Hero
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111!!!!!!
[RockRichard] Can I kill Emo Hero too?
Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer knifes Emo Hero
[Mercenary_Rebel_Emo_Hero] ....ow....
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] I win
[Mercenary_Rebel_Emo_Hero] That hurt....
Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer sets fire to Emo Hero
[Mercenary_Rebel_Emo_Hero] I'm tired of getting hurt
Mercenary_Rebel_Emo_Hero is on fire, but doesn't care
Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer puts an alligator on Emo hero's head
RockRichard falls asleep
[Mercenary_Rebel_Emo_Hero] ......
[Mercenary_Rebel_Emo_Hero] Ok, that's it.
Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer puts a bomb on the alligator
Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer backs away
Mercenary_Rebel_Emo_Hero takes alligator and puts it in Evil Emperor's pants
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] ack!
Mercenary_Rebel_Emo_Hero suddenly cares
Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer jumps out of his pants
[Mercenary_Rebel_Emo_Hero] I don't want to die.
[Mercenary_Rebel_Emo_Hero] Not until that new emo-rock album comes out....
Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer is known as Pantsless_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer
[Pantsless_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] >.>;
Mercenary_Rebel_Emo_Hero raises his Breaker Blade
[Pantsless_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] Let us do battle
RockRichard wakes up
Pantsless_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer draws his badass sword of death
Mercenary_Rebel_Emo_Hero runs towards Evil Emperor
[Mercenary_Rebel_Emo_Hero] uuuuuhhhhhhhh.......!
Pantsless_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer charges Emo hero
[RockRichard] Help, you idiotic "hero"
[Pantsless_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[Mercenary_Rebel_Emo_Hero] uuuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhhh...........!
Pantsless_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer stabs at Emo Hero
Mercenary_Rebel_Emo_Hero blocks the stab
[Pantsless_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] ack
Mercenary_Rebel_Emo_Hero swings at Evil Emperor
[Pantsless_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] This cannot be
Pantsless_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer is hit
Pantsless_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer falls over
[Pantsless_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] that's it
[RockRichard] Help faster
Pantsless_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer gets up
Pantsless_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer puts on hims pants
[Mercenary_Rebel_Emo_Hero] Wait, I think I get it now....
Mercenary_Rebel_Emo_Hero godmods
Pantsless_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer is known as Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer
Mercenary_Rebel_Emo_Hero throws Evil Emperor's pants into China
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] nuuuuuuuuuu
Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer is in China
Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer godmods
Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer is back
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] >_>;
[Mercenary_Rebel_Emo_Hero] Like that, right?
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] before you discover your true potential
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] I shall finish this now!
Mercenary_Rebel_Emo_Hero doesn't care
XeroBloodline is known as Evil_Emperors_Cell_Phone
Evil_Emperors_Cell_Phone rings
Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer answers
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] Hello?
[Evil_Emperors_Cell_Phone] *cough* Its me...*sneez*...the...*sneez* Underdog...Hero....*cough*
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] Yes?
[Evil_Emperors_Cell_Phone] AAAACHOOO!!!
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] we are going to fight for the fate of the universe, right?
[Evil_Emperors_Cell_Phone] *sniff* Sorry...not..*cough* the flu....*achoo*
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] ,,,
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] DAMNIT!!
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] Do you have an understudy!?
[Evil_Emperors_Cell_Phone] Don't...worry....*cough*...I've called...a...*achoo* replacement....
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] Okay...
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] Well, tell him to get his ass down here!
[Evil_Emperors_Cell_Phone] Should be there...*cough*....any.....*achoo!* minute....*sniff*
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] Alright...
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] Be sure to drink plenty of fluids...
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] And choke on them!!!!
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] >_>;
[Evil_Emperors_Cell_Phone] .......
Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer ie evil
[Evil_Emperors_Cell_Phone] *click*
Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer hangs up
[Evil_Emperors_Cell_Phone] *beeeeeeeeep*
Evil_Emperors_Cell_Phone is known as ?
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] Where's that damn replacement..
? A motorcycle comes the horizon, and skids to a stop infront of Evil Emperor, spraying dirt all over him
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] ahh!!
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] What the hell man!?
? is known as Mercenary_Rebel_Emo_Hero
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] ...
Mercenary_Rebel_Emo_Hero gets off his motorcyle
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] You the replacement?
Mercenary_Rebel_Emo_Hero looks at the Evil Emperor...
[Mercenary_Rebel_Emo_Hero] ....yo.
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] ...
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] Greeting.
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] I'm here to kill you..
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] Muahaha
Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer is evil
[Mercenary_Rebel_Emo_Hero] So? I don't care....
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] pfft
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] emo
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] <.<
Mercenary_Rebel_Emo_Hero stares off into the sunset
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] well, let's get this started...
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] I draw my sword
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] insult you
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] you dance
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] get your sword
[Mercenary_Rebel_Emo_Hero] Whoa....
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] then I kick ass
[Mercenary_Rebel_Emo_Hero] Hold up...
[Mercenary_Rebel_Emo_Hero] ....I don't dance.
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] yes?
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] well, you're gonna have to
[Mercenary_Rebel_Emo_Hero] Fine, if you wanna fight....
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] ...
Mercenary_Rebel_Emo_Hero draws his big-ass Breaker Blade
Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer draws his badass sword of death
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] you die now!
Mercenary_Rebel_Emo_Hero staps Evil Emperor
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] ....
[Mercenary_Rebel_Emo_Hero] *insert fanfare music here*
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] no
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] that's not how it works
Mercenary_Rebel_Emo_Hero gets 148 exp
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] we be all dramatic for like an hour
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] before actually fighting
[Mercenary_Rebel_Emo_Hero] .....why?
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] Because
[Mercenary_Rebel_Emo_Hero] That's so....dramatic...
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] that's how it goes
[Mercenary_Rebel_Emo_Hero] I don't get paid for "dramtic"
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] yes you do?
[Mercenary_Rebel_Emo_Hero] Fine, I charge by the hour though....
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] I'm not paying you
Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer is evil
[Mercenary_Rebel_Emo_Hero] ......
Mercenary_Rebel_Emo_Hero draws his Breaker Blade
Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer draws his badass sword of death
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] You shall perish!
Mercenary_Rebel_Emo_Hero doesn't care
Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer charges Emo Hero
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] AAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Mercenary_Rebel_Emo_Hero stands there waiting
Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer runs up the Emo Hero
Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer stabs at him
Mercenary_Rebel_Emo_Hero takes 100 points of damage
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] >.>?
[Mercenary_Rebel_Emo_Hero] ....isn't that how you do it?
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] No
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] this isn't an RPG
Virecksu has left the chat.
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] it's a real fight
[Mercenary_Rebel_Emo_Hero] I don't care how you do it, I do things my own way.
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] in real fights, we don't wait our turn to get our ass kicked
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] we fight
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] you know
Mercenary_Rebel_Emo_Hero swings at Evil Emporer, causing 120 pts of damage
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] real combat?
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] hey!
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] cut that out!
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] I'm talking here!
[Mercenary_Rebel_Emo_Hero] I don't care....
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] pfft
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] n00b
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] >.>
[Mercenary_Rebel_Emo_Hero] .....*sniff*
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] that's it emo
Mercenary_Rebel_Emo_Hero walks off to pout in a corner
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] go home cryin!
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] Muahahahaah!!!
Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer is evil
Mercenary_Rebel_Emo_Hero walks back
[Mercenary_Rebel_Emo_Hero] Ok, I'm over it.
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] good
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] let us do battle now!
Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer draws his badass sword of death
[Mercenary_Rebel_Emo_Hero] *screen does some fancy spiral effect*
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] >.>?
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] buh?
Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer looks around
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] was I drugged or somehting?
Virecksu has left the chat.
Mercenary_Rebel_Emo_Hero stands on one side bobbing up and down
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] >.>;
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] you wanna do this the emo way?
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] fine
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] we'll try it the emo way
Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer goes to the other side of the screen
Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer takes a fighting stance
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] My turn
Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer runs over and kicke emo hero in the groin
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] see how that worked out for ya?
Virecksu has left the chat.
Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer walks back ho his side
Mercenary_Rebel_Emo_Hero falls over in pain
[Mercenary_Rebel_Emo_Hero] .....ow....
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] that's what I thought
frozy has left the chat.
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] I go again
[Mercenary_Rebel_Emo_Hero] That's not how that works....
Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer sets Emo hero on fire
Mercenary_Rebel_Emo_Hero lies there on fire
[Mercenary_Rebel_Emo_Hero] ....I don't care that I'm on fire.
Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer is evil and don't care how it goes
Mercenary_Rebel_Emo_Hero doesn't care
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] I go again
frozt has left the chat.
Mercenary_Rebel_Emo_Hero gets up, and swings at Evil Emperor with his Breaker Blade
Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer walks over and kicks Emo Hero while he's down
Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer is hit
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] ow
Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer walks back to his side
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] you wanna sit there in pain getting owneD?
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] Intermission
[Mercenary_Rebel_Emo_Hero] gah....
Mercenary_Rebel_Emo_Hero gets back up
[Mercenary_Rebel_Emo_Hero] I've never heard of that power....
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] You wanna do this your way, or you wanna do it right?
[Mercenary_Rebel_Emo_Hero] Do you have a scroll for that? So I can learn it?
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] no
[Mercenary_Rebel_Emo_Hero] Well you suck.
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] I know you do but what do I do?
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] Ha!
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] Burn!
Mercenary_Rebel_Emo_Hero swings at Evil Emperor again
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] I turned it around!!
Mercenary_Rebel_Emo_Hero doesn't care that he was burned
Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer ducks
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] ha!
Mercenary_Rebel_Emo_Hero goes back to his side
Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer kicks Emo hero in the groin again
[Mercenary_Rebel_Emo_Hero] That sucks....everything sucks.....
Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer runs back
Mercenary_Rebel_Emo_Hero falls over again
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] I can do this all day
[Mercenary_Rebel_Emo_Hero] This isn't cool....
Mercenary_Rebel_Emo_Hero gets back up
[Mercenary_Rebel_Emo_Hero] Alright....
[Mercenary_Rebel_Emo_Hero] I'll try this one....
Mercenary_Rebel_Emo_Hero holds up a red Materia
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] ...
Mercenary_Rebel_Emo_Hero summons the X-men
Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer holds up black materia
Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer melts the X-Men
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] Ha.
Mercenary_Rebel_Emo_Hero looks back at the X-men
[Mercenary_Rebel_Emo_Hero] ....that's so depressing....
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] yeah
Mercenary_Rebel_Emo_Hero doesn't care
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] So you wanna do this right now?
[Mercenary_Rebel_Emo_Hero] ....sure.
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] okay
Mercenary_Rebel_Emo_Hero throws the Materia and hits Evil Emperor in the head
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] hey!
[Mercenary_Rebel_Emo_Hero] Like that, right?
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] Don't throw things!!
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] It's rude!
Mercenary_Rebel_Emo_Hero doesn't care
Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer draws his badass sword of death
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] Have at you!
Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer charges Emo Hero
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Mercenary_Rebel_Emo_Hero stands there holding his Breaker Blade
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] AAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer runs over
Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer stabs Emo Hero
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] Ah ha!
Mercenary_Rebel_Emo_Hero evades
Mercenary_Rebel_Emo_Hero staps Evil Emperor
[Mercenary_Rebel_Emo_Hero] Like that, right?
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] ow
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] Better
[Mercenary_Rebel_Emo_Hero] Cool...
Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer godmods
Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer makes the stab wound be on Emo Hero
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] haha!
[Mercenary_Rebel_Emo_Hero] ....ow....
Mercenary_Rebel_Emo_Hero kicks Evil Emperor in the groin
Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer ies evil
Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer falls over
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] owie
Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer gets up
[Mercenary_Rebel_Emo_Hero] Did that hurt?
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] yes..
Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer grabs Emo Hero
Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer throws him into traffic
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] Haha!
Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer is evil
Mercenary_Rebel_Emo_Hero gets hit by a car
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] >=D
[Mercenary_Rebel_Emo_Hero] .....ow....
Mercenary_Rebel_Emo_Hero throws a car at Evil Emperor
Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer ducks
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] Haha!
Mercenary_Rebel_Emo_Hero throws another car
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] You die now!
Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer ducks
Mercenary_Rebel_Emo_Hero throws a duck
Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer breathes weasels on Emo hero
Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer is hit by a duck
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] wtf?
Mercenary_Rebel_Emo_Hero cuts the weasels with the Breaker Blade
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] ...
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] no
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] that's not how it goes
Mercenary_Rebel_Emo_Hero doesn't care
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] you get hit by the weasles
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] and it annoys you
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] then you talk about saving the children
Mercenary_Rebel_Emo_Hero can't be annoyed, doesn't care
Mercenary_Rebel_Emo_Hero doesn't care about the children
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] >_>
Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer kidnaps someone
[Mercenary_Rebel_Emo_Hero] What did the children ever do for me?
Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer grabs RockRichard
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] Haha!
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] I shall kill this child!
Mercenary_Rebel_Emo_Hero doesn't care
[RockRichard] Cool! I mean HELP
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] >_>
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] You're supposed to care
[Mercenary_Rebel_Emo_Hero] Nobody rescued me when I was kidnapped as a child....
[Mercenary_Rebel_Emo_Hero] I had to fight for myself....
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] <_<
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] omfg
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] emo
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] >.>
[Mercenary_Rebel_Emo_Hero] Like a rebel....
[RockRichard] Help, somebody!
Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer punches RR
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] stfu
[RockRichard] Ow
[Mercenary_Rebel_Emo_Hero] Now I only fight if I'm paid enough.
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] Rebels are for squares
[RockRichard] That hurt! Help!
Mercenary_Rebel_Emo_Hero doesn't care
Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer tosses RR into a cage
[RockRichard] Stupid idiots
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] ....
[Mercenary_Rebel_Emo_Hero] ....
Mercenary_Rebel_Emo_Hero 's feelings are hurt
[RockRichard] Emo Hero, why didn't you help...?
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] >_>;
Mercenary_Rebel_Emo_Hero doesn't care
[Mercenary_Rebel_Emo_Hero] You didn't pay me.
[RockRichard] STFU
Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer puts a sock in RR's mouth
[Mercenary_Rebel_Emo_Hero] I'm a mercenary.
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] a dirty one*
RockRichard eats the sock
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] I liked Underdog hero better
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] he knew how to fight for justice
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] >_>
[RockRichard] Eww...
[Mercenary_Rebel_Emo_Hero] What did justice ever do for me?
[Mercenary_Rebel_Emo_Hero] I have my own sense of justice.
Mercenary_Rebel_Emo_Hero doesn't care about justice
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] Well, rethink it
[RockRichard] You're some hero
[Mercenary_Rebel_Emo_Hero] .....
Mercenary_Rebel_Emo_Hero 's feelings are hurt again
Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer hits RR with a shoe
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] stfu
[Mercenary_Rebel_Emo_Hero] Maybe he's right though....
[RockRichard] Aren't heroes supposed to help people?
[Mercenary_Rebel_Emo_Hero] .....I'm no hero....
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] Join me?
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] we can be evil togeather
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] >=D
Mercenary_Rebel_Emo_Hero looks at Evil Emperor's outfit
[Mercenary_Rebel_Emo_Hero] No thanx, I don't swing that way....
Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer is dressed evilly
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] Hey!
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] >_>;
Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer looks at Emo Hero's outfit
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] atl east I wearm y purple thng under my pants
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] >_>
[RockRichard] Can someone at least pretend to help me, Emo Hero?
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] thong**
Mercenary_Rebel_Emo_Hero sighs
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] >_>;
[Mercenary_Rebel_Emo_Hero] Fine....if you'll quit hurting my feelings
[RockRichard] Me?
[Mercenary_Rebel_Emo_Hero] And pay me 10,000g.
Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer draws his badass sword of death
[RockRichard] STFU
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Em] Die!
Mercenary_Rebel_Emo_Hero doesn't care
Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer charges Emo Hero
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111!!!!!!
[RockRichard] Can I kill Emo Hero too?
Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer knifes Emo Hero
[Mercenary_Rebel_Emo_Hero] ....ow....
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] I win
[Mercenary_Rebel_Emo_Hero] That hurt....
Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer sets fire to Emo Hero
[Mercenary_Rebel_Emo_Hero] I'm tired of getting hurt
Mercenary_Rebel_Emo_Hero is on fire, but doesn't care
Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer puts an alligator on Emo hero's head
RockRichard falls asleep
[Mercenary_Rebel_Emo_Hero] ......
[Mercenary_Rebel_Emo_Hero] Ok, that's it.
Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer puts a bomb on the alligator
Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer backs away
Mercenary_Rebel_Emo_Hero takes alligator and puts it in Evil Emperor's pants
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] ack!
Mercenary_Rebel_Emo_Hero suddenly cares
Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer jumps out of his pants
[Mercenary_Rebel_Emo_Hero] I don't want to die.
[Mercenary_Rebel_Emo_Hero] Not until that new emo-rock album comes out....
Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer is known as Pantsless_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer
[Pantsless_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] >.>;
Mercenary_Rebel_Emo_Hero raises his Breaker Blade
[Pantsless_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] Let us do battle
RockRichard wakes up
Pantsless_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer draws his badass sword of death
Mercenary_Rebel_Emo_Hero runs towards Evil Emperor
[Mercenary_Rebel_Emo_Hero] uuuuuhhhhhhhh.......!
Pantsless_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer charges Emo hero
[RockRichard] Help, you idiotic "hero"
[Pantsless_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[Mercenary_Rebel_Emo_Hero] uuuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhhh...........!
Pantsless_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer stabs at Emo Hero
Mercenary_Rebel_Emo_Hero blocks the stab
[Pantsless_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] ack
Mercenary_Rebel_Emo_Hero swings at Evil Emperor
[Pantsless_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] This cannot be
Pantsless_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer is hit
Pantsless_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer falls over
[Pantsless_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] that's it
[RockRichard] Help faster
Pantsless_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer gets up
Pantsless_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer puts on hims pants
[Mercenary_Rebel_Emo_Hero] Wait, I think I get it now....
Mercenary_Rebel_Emo_Hero godmods
Pantsless_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer is known as Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer
Mercenary_Rebel_Emo_Hero throws Evil Emperor's pants into China
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] nuuuuuuuuuu
Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer is in China
Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer godmods
Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer is back
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] >_>;
[Mercenary_Rebel_Emo_Hero] Like that, right?
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] before you discover your true potential
[Super_Godmodding_Evil_Emporer] I shall finish this now!
Mercenary_Rebel_Emo_Hero doesn't care