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Post by darkreaver on Oct 21, 2005 14:37:28 GMT -5
well yea.. Ciel Network had this... MORE POSTS FOR YOU ALTER!
I give myself a 7 for the ava and 10 for the sig by. Virexu =P
Post by Knuckles on Oct 21, 2005 18:16:35 GMT -5
¬_¬ now that's just harsh reaver... an unecessary....
either way what dod i rate ur sig + ava? ava = 5 i dont really liek it sig = 9 cool effects but needs a lil more goin on
Post by Netzuko Kymera on Oct 22, 2005 14:54:35 GMT -5
Reaver: av:5 sig:8
Buster: av:3 sig:2
Post by Xzero on Oct 22, 2005 21:25:43 GMT -5
ill jsut do you net i stay with buster on reaver and with net on buster, and for you net i de give a 2-ava 4-sig
Post by Vilex on Oct 23, 2005 18:49:54 GMT -5
well yea.. Ciel Network had this... MORE POSTS FOR YOU ALTER! I give myself a 7 for the ava and 10 for the sig by. Virexu =P *ahem* Its Virecksu. Veecks, Vilex, or Virecksu you may call me D:. And yes, 'course I make kickass sigs, i'm a photoshop whore . Well... My avatar, i'd proboly give it a 6, its not that great, -very- simple photoshop effects, hell, even Net-x, or Xzero could proboly do it. My sig, eh.. Kinda old.. Don't like it much, though it exceeds with overcompensated stuff. Hmm maybe a 6, or 7. I'm to lazy to judge everyone else, and you'll proboly yell at me for the scores ._.
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Post by darkreaver on Oct 28, 2005 15:35:32 GMT -5
Beecks! thats the friggin idea! XD
ava get's an F+... its too empty! sig, kewl... B-
Post by Netzuko Kymera on Oct 30, 2005 16:28:40 GMT -5
My Av: meh it's just fog with glowy weapons, so I give it a 5, sig is really old I wonder why I havn't changed it to the new cloud one I made? I give it a 3