



- Who is Bob?

- Commands


Standard (2P) Mode

- Introduction

- Terminology

- Strike Types


- Battle Setup

- Gameplay Commands

- Player Profiles

- Records and Stats

- Single Player Controls

Single (1P) Mode

- Introduction

- Stats

- Artifacts

- Classes

- Master NPC List

Double (4P) Mode

- Introduction

- Team Functions

BattleBob > Standard (2P) Mode > Introduction


BattleBob is a chance-based battle game as part of Bob, an IRC bot in the Zero Virus Chat. It's a highly intensive script originally written by FDSuprema. BattleBob has evolved greatly through the years from a simple mini-game to a full-fledged RPG.

BattleBob Version 1.0 was written by FDSuprema as a test to push the limits of mIRC as a coding platform (and himself as a programmer.) The database was written by NightmareMMZero, giving Bob all of the weapons, skills, and the like that were used by FDSuprema's engine. From BattleBob Version 4.0 onward, the engine and database are both supported by NightmareMMZero.

BattleBob is based on the concept of utilizing all of Bob's silly scripts in a game allowing players to battle each other. Many of Bob's chatroom scripts have been worked into BattleBob's gameplay; `weapon, `summon, `rift, `skill, and `sandwich are all usable battle commands, while many other scripts such as `battle, `win, and `coin (among others) are referenced in the language of the game.

A standard BattleBob match involves two players logging in and facing each other in battle, each player starting at 100 HP with the last one standing being crowned the winner. Both players start bare-handed and can choose to beat each other with their fists, but they can also acquire hundreds of different weapons to use in battle, as well as use powerful skills, summon dangerous beings onto the battlefield to (hopeflly) help them, or call for assistance from some of ZV's many colorful characters. BattleBob offers lots of ways to customize how you play, however, allowing for new rulesets to alter how the game is played, alternate game modes to offer a completely different experience, and the ability to adjust starting HP for longer or shorter matches.

As of BattleBob Version 4.2, a seperate channel (#bob) exists in the Zero Virus Chat specifically for BattleBob gameplay. While its use is not mandatory, it offers a quiet place to play the game without disturbing conversation in the chat if players wish to use it.

For more information on how to start playing BattleBob, visit the article on Battle Setup.