



- Who is Bob?

- Commands


Standard (2P) Mode

- Introduction

- Terminology

- Strike Types


- Battle Setup

- Gameplay Commands

- Player Profiles

- Records and Stats

- Single Player Controls

Single (1P) Mode

- Introduction

- Stats

- Artifacts

- Classes

- Master NPC List

Double (4P) Mode

- Introduction

- Team Functions

BattleBob > Double (4P) Mode > Team Functions

Team Functions

A number of BattleBob commands have new functionality because of Double Mode. Most of the completely new functions allow for interaction with the player's team-mate, but one universal change has been made:

All offensive commands allow the player to specify the opponent's username after the script call to attack that opponent specifically. Otherwise, BattleBob will automatically have the player target the opponent on the enemy team with the highest HP.

This would mean that in order to target a certain enemy player, the syntax must be called like so:

<Nightmare> `attack FDSuprema
<BattleBob> * Nightmare punches FDSuprema in the face!

This change applies to `attack, `skill, `assist, `summon, and `special, as well as `taunt.

The following are commands that have seen their usage change in more meaningful ways:

Double Mode Commands

For more information on how these commands work across all game modes, read the articles on Battle Setup and Gameplay Commands.

`login `login is the command used to log into BattleBob. Players will be logged into the player position depending on the order they log in (so the first player to login is Player 1, the second player to login is Player 2., etc.) Once all the players are logged in, the game will begin. `login requires no input, but in Double Mode, players can add a number between 1 and 4 to log into a specific player position, but if no number is specified Bob will default to adding players in order.

`logout Alternatively, the `logout command can be used to log a player out of a BattleBob match before it begins. This can be useful if the player logs into the wrong position or a player changes their mind about playing.

The Syntax is as follows:


`login <1-4>



<Nightmare> `login
<BattleBob> Nightmare has logged in as Player 1.

<Nightmare> `login 3
<BattleBob> Nightmare has logged in as Player 3.

<Nightmare> `logout
<BattleBob> Nightmare has logged out as Player 1.

`weapon `weapon functions just as it does in other game mode, arming the player with a new weapon that can not only effect their weapon type and skill pools, but give them unique focus animations and new types of attaks.

Where `weapon differs in Double Mode, is that it has the unique function of allowing the player to give away their weapon in team battles. If the player uses the `weapon command and adds their ally's name afterwords, the player can toss their weapon to their ally. This can be useful if the player has much less HP than their ally but has a powerful weapon.

The `weapon command can function just as it does in other game modes when focused, allowing the player to gain a new weapon and attack with a normal strike in a single turn. However, in Double Mode, focusing and tossing their weapon to their team-mate allows the player to instead of initiating an attack, toss their own weapon to their team-mate and arm themselves with a new weapon all in one turn.

The Syntax is as follows:


`weapon <Ally>


<Nightmare> `weapon
* BattleBob reaches into his hat and tosses Nightmare the Buster Sword!

<Nightmare> `weapon XeroBloodline
<BattleBob> * Nightmare tosses XeroBloodline the Buster Sword!

`skill `skill functions very much like it does in other game modes, offering the player a reliable way to dish out damage to the opponent. Furthermore, as stated above, the player can specify the name of one of the opponents on the enemy team after the scrip tcall to target them specifically with a skill.

Where `skill deviates from other game modes, is that in Double Mode the player can also specify the name of their team-mate after the script call to target their ally with a helpful skill. These skills range from inflicting helpful status effects, to outright healing their team-mate. Healing skills still obey the same cooldown rules damaging skills do, however.

The `skill command can be used in conjunction with the `focus command. If used while focused, the skill's damage (or heal, if targeting their team-mate) accuracy, and Critical Hit Rate are all increased.

Damage dealt with the `skill command is increased by the attacker's Technique (TEC) stat, whereas damage taken by the `skill command is reduced by the target's Constitution (CON) stat. When using a healing skill on a team-mate, neither of these stats will effect the healing skill used.

The Syntax is as follows:


`skill <Opponent>

`skill <Ally>


<Nightmare> `skill
<BattleBob> * Nightmare uses the Kamehameha Wave!
<BattleBob> * Nightmare takes a wide stance and places his wrists together "Kamehame...." A bright blue energy shines between his hands! "HAAAA!" Nightmare throws his hands forward and fires a ray of blue energy at FDSuprema!

<Nightmare> `skill Tony
<BattleBob> * Nightmare uses Spirit Gun!
<BattleBob> * Nightmare extends his pointer and thumb to make a gun shape and points at Tony, then fires a shot of energy at Tony!

<Nightmare> `skill XeroBloodline
<BattleBob> * Nightmare uses Curaga!
<BattleBob> * Nightmare casts a spell, conjuring a shimmering light that reinvirogates XeroBloodline!

`sandwich `sandwich functions nearly identically to how it does in other game modes, but it is noteworthy that the rate in which `sandwich builds up to the magnificent fridge is much faster in Double Mode.

A new function of `sandwich offered by Double Mode is the ability for a player to use their sandwich on their team-mate. Doing so will expend the player's `sandwich use, but it can come in handy to rescue a near-death ally. To give an ally their sandwich, the player must specify their ally's name after the script call.

The `sandwich command can be used in conjunction with the `focus command. If used while focused, the chance of a Critical Heal from eating a sandwich is increased.

Both damage dealt and health recovered with the `sandwich command are increased by the attacker's Appetite (APP) stat.

The Syntax is as follows:


`sandwich <Ally>


<Nightmare> `sandwich
* BattleBob reaches into his magnificent fridge and serves Nightmare a slice of blueberry pie!

<Nightmare> `sandwich XeroBloodline
* BattleBob reaches into his magnificent fridge and serves XeroBloodline a perfectly crafted French Dip sandwich!