



- Who is Bob?

- Commands


Standard (2P) Mode

- Introduction

- Terminology

- Strike Types


- Battle Setup

- Gameplay Commands

- Player Profiles

- Records and Stats

- Single Player Controls

Single (1P) Mode

- Introduction

- Stats

- Artifacts

- Classes

- Master NPC List

Double (4P) Mode

- Introduction

- Team Functions

Bob > Chatroom > Commands


The following is a list of commands available in the Zero Virus Chat. These commands are only usable while Bob is present in the chat and while he is not in Battle Mode (for more information on Battle Mode, read the article on BattleBob.) Many commands have special conditions or may use (or require) additional input to function.

List of Commands

`ask `ask is a simple script that works like a Magic 8-Ball, giving randomized Yes/No/Maybe answers when the command is called. This can lead to humurous answers to much needed questions in the Zero Virus Chat.

The Syntax is as follows:

`ask <Yes/No Question>


<Nightmare> `ask Is this a good example of your ask script?
<Bob> Yes.

`battle `battle is a script that simply generates a random battle scenario using weapons drawn from a random list of weapons, and characters randomly drawn from a list of original characters from Zero Virus' multiverse. The script serves no purpose other than to spark discussion over how said battle may play out. The dialog format from `battle is used in the introduction of BattleBob matches using the "Armed" and "Signature" rulesets.

The Syntax is as follows:



<Nightmare> `battle
<Bob> Epic Battle! Vilex wielding a shotgun Vs Cyber Bloodline wielding the Master Sword!

`clue `clue is a script that generates a random murder-mystery scenario based on the game Clue. It randomly generates a victim and murderer from a list of ZV characters, as well as a random location for the murder to have taken place, and a murder weapon. The script requires no input, but if a name is placed after the script call, that name will be substituted for the victim.

The Syntax is as follows:


`clue <Victim>


<Nightmare> `clue
<Bob> I've deduced how the murder of Nightshade went down!
<Bob> It was Majeh, in the study, with a chainsaw!

<Nightmare> `clue Tony
<Bob> I've deduced how the murder of Tony went down!
<Bob> It was FDSuprema, in Hyrule Castle, with an ear of corn!

`coin `coin is a useful script that, as the name implies, works like flipping a coin. When called, Bob will flip a coin and report back either heads or tails. This script can be a useful decision-making tool in the Zero Virus Chat, be it to settle a dispute, or to decide what to have for lunch. The script requires no input, but if a number between 1 and 5 is given after the script call, Bob will flip multiple coins and report back the results on each. Beware: It IS possible for the coin to land on its side, but it's incredibly rare.

The Syntax is as follows:


`coin <1-5>


<Nightmare> `coin
* Bob flips a coin...
<Bob> Tails!

<Nightmare> `coin 5
* Bob flips 5 coins...
<Bob> Heads, Tails, Tails, Heads, Heads!

`date `date is a humorous script that generates a scenario in which two random people go on a date. The names used in the script are randomly grabbed from a list of ZV characters or sometimes from the user list in the chat room. The scipt first describes a suitor greeting their date, then describes what they did on their date, before finally concluding by detailing how the date ended. There are numerous combinations for all sorts of hilarity. The script requires no input, but if a name is given after the script call, that name will be substituted for the suitor in the date. This script was originally written by Spex, but has since been heavily reworked.

The Syntax is as follows:


`date <Suitor>


<Nightmare> `date
<Bob> A hot date! Majeh greets Silver with a cute little dance, and they're off!
<Bob> First they go to an exclusive night club and party like it's 1989, then they go for a long walk on the beach!
<Bob> In the end, Silver's ex showed up and got into a fight with Majeh, ruining the evening!

<Nightmare> `date Xero Bloodline
<Bob> A hot date! Xero Bloodline greets Nightmare with sweet words of love, and they're off!
<Bob> First they go spelunking, then they attempt arts and crafts only to end up in a paint fight!
<Bob> In the end, Xero Bloodline stayed the night and made Nightmare breakfast in bed the next morning!

`epic `epic is a large script that uses all of Bob's resources (names, weapons, locations, items, etc) to write an epic tale for the chatroom. The story usually details a hero setting out on a journey, followed by an encounter with a new character, some hardships they had to overcome, and then the hero obtains a new, more powerful weapon before someone important to them is kidnapped by the villain of the story. In the second act, the hero journeys to the villain's hideout and storms their castle, resulting in a showdown between the hero and the villain, before finally reaching a conclusion. The stories written by the `epic script are quite long, so it cannot by used many times in quick succession. While the epic script requires no input, a name can be given after the script call and that name will be substituted for the hero in the story. To go the extra mile, a gender (either "boy" or "girl") can be added after the name following the script call, allowing Bob to properly use gender specific pronouns when referring to the hero in the story.

The Syntax is as follows:


`epic <Hero>

`epic <Hero> <Boy/Girl>


<Nightmare> `epic
<Bob> Once upon a time......

<Nightmare> `epic Nightmare
<Bob> Once upon a time......

<Nightmare> `epic Xero Bloodline boy
<Bob> Once upon a time......

`fuse `fuse is a simple script that merely prints the names of two random ZV characters. The script was originally developed to aid members in the chat in a game they used to play in which Bob would give two random characters and then the player would have to draw what the fusion between those characters would look like. `fuse is one of Bob's earliest scripts, predated only by `weapon.

This script has a derivative script:
`epicfuse `epicfuse is a script that allows for a more specific, albeit more complex fusion concept in which a base character is used and described with various parts from other characters. `epicfuse requires no input, but if a name is given after the script call, that name is substituted for the base character in the fusion.

The Syntax is as follows:



`epicfuse <Base Character>


<Nightmare> `fuse
<Bob> Neoforte and Tony.

<Nightmare> `epicfuse
<Bob> Majeh's hair on Nexus, with Xero Bloodline's shirt, Vilex's pants, an accessory from Ztrl and Tony, wielding Trias's weapon.

<Nightmare> `epicfuse Tony
<Bob> Alice's hair on Tony, with Zafer's shirt, Nightmare's pants, an accessory from Elna and Rion, wielding Silver's weapon.

`orb `orb is a ridiculous script made at the request of TehRandomMan. It simply generates a random magical orb using randomly generated adjectives and nouns.

The Syntax is as follows:



<Nightmare> `orb
* Bob hands Nightmare the sicknasty Orb of Science!

`sandwich `sandwich is a script that describes Bob giving a sandwich to someone. The script was originally written by Spex, and as such the script has preferential treatment of him (giving him a sandwich from a "maginficent" fridge that only contains good sandwiches.) Since then the script has been altered to extend decent sandwiches to Cem (as Spex's apprentice in the arts of goo.) `sandwich requires no input, giving sandwiches to the one who called the script by default, but if a name is specified after the script call, Bob will give a sandwich to that person instead. It should be noted that if someone with prefetential treatment in `sandwich calls the script and gives a sandwich to someone else, that person will also receive a sandwich from the magnificent fridge.

The Syntax is as follows:


`sandwich <Recipient>


<Nightmare> `sandwich
* Bob opens his crusty fridge and serves Nightmare a peanutbutter and jelly sandwich with no crusts!

<Spex> `sandwich
* Bob opens his magnificent fridge and serves Spex a fluffernutter!

<Spex> `sandwich Tony
* Bob opens his magnificent fridge and serves Tony a slice of pie with some Miku on the side!

`science `science is a simple and useless script created at the request of Tony. The script itself does nothing of note, and was merely made due to numerous requests that Bob have a script called "`science". Bob always responds in the script directly to the one who called it.

The Syntax is as follows:



<Nightmare> `science
<Bob> Damn it Nightmare! I'm a Doctor, not a Scientist!

`skill `skill is a simple script that describes Bob teaching a skill to someone. It serves no purpose other than sparking discussion in the chatroom. The list of skills Bob draws from includes special attacks from many games, comics, and anime. `skill doesn't require any input, but if a name is specified after the script call, that person will become Bob's student when he teaches a skill.

The Syntax is as follows:


`skill <Student>


<Nightmare> `skill
* Bob teaches Nightmare the Spirit Bomb!

<Nightmare> `skill Tony
* Bob teaches Tony Dragon Buster!

`spin `spin is a simple script that picks a random person in the chatroom. The script describes Bob spinning a bottle, which ultimately points at someone logged into the chat. It can be useful in games and other activities, whenever someone in the room needs to be selected randomly.

The Syntax is as follows:



<Nightmare> `spin
* Bob spins the bottle for Nightmare and it lands on...
<Bob> Majeh!

`summon `summon is a simple script that describes Bob summoning something into the chatroom. The "something" can be anything from a random list that includes monsters, objects, and people. Usually Bob simple "performs a dark ritual" to summon the entity, but on rare occassion he will instead draw a venn diagram on the ground labeled with random adjectives, calling the summon from the overlap. It should be noted that if the script is called by TehRandomMan Bob will use the venn diagram summon 100% of the time.

This script has a derivative script:
`rift `rift is a script that describes tossing a person or object into a reality rift, then describes something else emerging from it. The script was created after the 2010 Zero Virus Carnival which featured an event called "Shattered Reality" in which players would seek out tears in the fabric of space and time called "Reality Rifts" and sacrifice members of their team by throwing them into the rift to summon powerful allies. The script will, when called, toss the a person or object into the rift (specified after the script call), then call forth a random summon. If nothing is written after the script call, Bob will toss a random person from the chatroom into the rift to perform the summon. This has no effect in the chat besides humorous dialogue.

The Syntax is as follows:



`rift <Sacrifice>


<Nightmare> `summon
* Bob performs a dark ritual, summoning Wiggy into the chat!

<Random> `summon
* Bob draws a venn diagram on the ground with the circles labeled "savage" and "bloody", a Panda with a red spot on its forehead bursts from the overlap!

<Nightmare> `rift
* Bob tosses FDSuprema into a reality rift, summoning Shenron into the chat!

<Nightmare> `rift Tony
* Bob tosses Tony into a reality rift, summoning Majeh's couch into the chat!

`weapon `weapon is Bob's oldest and arguably one of his most useful scripts. It simply describes Bob reaching into his hat and tossing someone a random weapon, but the applications of the script have lead to many shenanigans in the chatroom. While `weapon requires no input, placing a name after the script call will have Bob toss that person a weapon, rather than the one who called the script (this works the same way for all of `weapon's derivative scripts.)

This script has two derivative scripts:
`synth `synth works almost identically to `weapon, only instead of tossing out a random weapon, Bob will fuse two random weapons together, then hand out the synthesized weapon.
`gilgamesh `gilgamesh works almost identically to `weapon, only instead of tossing a single random weapon out, Bob tosses 8 random weapons out.

The Syntax is as follows:


`weapon <Recipient>


`synth <Recipient>


`gilgamesh <Recipient>


<Nightmare> `weapon
* Bob reaches into his hat and tosses Nightmare the Soul Reaver!

<Nightmare> `weapon Majeh
* Bob reaches into his hat and tosses Majeh the Ultima Weapon!

<Nightmare> `synth
* Bob fuses a lightsaber and a paper fan together into an awesome super weapon and gives it to Nightmare!

<Nightmare> `synth Aerin
* Bob fuses The Fire and Soul Calibur together into an awesome super weapon and gives it to Aerin!

<Nightmare> `gilgamesh
* Bob reaches into his hat and tosses Nightmare the 7 Chaos Emeralds, Quintessencial, The Fire, the Crescent Scythe, an ignition glove, Cerberus, the Badass Sword of Death, and a board with a nail in it!

<Nightmare> `gilgamesh Ed
* Bob reaches into his hat and tosses Ed the Four Sword, Agni and Rudra, Excalipoor, Rebellion, the Ordon Sword, a bottle of conditioner, a Pokeball, and Beowulf!

`win `win is a petty and stupid script written by Spex originally. The script proclaims the victory of those who have preferential treatment in the script, while shunning everyone else for trying to use it. The script only works for Spex, Cem, Nightmare, Xero Bloodline, and Majeh.

The Syntax is as follows:



<Spex> `win
<Bob> This game's winner is... Spex!

<Tony> `win
<Bob> Nice try, Tony...